Restore Balance Back to Your Business

Offering customized virtual assistant and online business manager services to help businesses scale.

What Ifā€¦

There was a way to get everything done for your business and get more time back for yourself.

You need someone responsible who you never have to chase down for updates.

You are tired of hiring virtual assistants who donā€™t care about your business as much as you do. 

You want to pay a flat monthly fee for all of your business needs instead of hourly rates.

You are so disorganized that it is stopping your business from growing.

Does this sound like you?

Iā€™m Sara.

I am excited you stopped by! Saved by Sara was created so you can stop feeling burnt out, flustered and frustrated with your day to day business tasks. You are a boss and it is time to start not only feeling like one, but getting the chance to BE one. With Saved By Sara you will not only get time back in your day, you will fall asleep at night knowing everything is off your to-do list.


making life easier

making life easier

A word from my client

ā€˜I can always rely on Sara to be one step ahead, to do exactly what she says she will do and to do it on time or sooner and to always do it with the outmost amount of quality and regard for her output.ā€™

-Darrah Brustein, Executive Business Coach + Co-Founder, The Referral Circle